Zmes za ples lahko kupite na spletu
Zmes za ples lahko kupite na spletu Dobili boste knjigo, ki iz branja naredi igro, pa še kaj zveste, da ste vedeli o plesu ali to tudi obogatite
Zmes za ples lahko kupite na spletu Dobili boste knjigo, ki iz branja naredi igro, pa še kaj zveste, da ste vedeli o plesu ali to tudi obogatite
Some people just love Capital. They have hard time to let go of it. Seems like we need to come back with the sequel to calm them down. #bf12 or just create one specially for Brisbane Festival
@marshallmcluhan: The effects of technology do not occur at the level of opinion, but alter patterns of perception steadily and without any resistance. Goes for this message as well. Post from @marshallmcluhan on Twitter (via Scope)
Capital exiting. Today the last showbat Brisbane Festival. Intense experience. Especially for public.
Such intensity is hard to be social-networked. Such intensity has long before created its own network. We call it humanity (without humanism shit).
Zmes za ples pleza na drevo, da začuti korenine in bogastvo krošnje svojih prenikov. Http://
Avstralija je dežela kaznjencev. Povsod pazniki. Ampak kao rileks. (Taken with Instagram)
Zmes za ples na tihomorski obali ponoči. Peni se, peni, morje bučeče. @zmeszaples I’m at Shorncliffe Beach (via Scope)
Pacific ocean by night aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh I’m at Shorncliffe Pier (via Scope)
Now is the only time you can see me standing in a queue. Take your chance. On me. (Taken with Instagram)