Mesec: oktober 2015
We’re not experiencing a crisis of capitalism but rather the triumph of crisis capitalism. “Crisis” means: government is growing. Crisis has become the ultima ratio of the powers that be. Modernity measured everything in relation to the past backwardness it claimed to be rescuing us from; now everything is measured in relation to its impending … Read more
lmv-h: Tout oublier. Ouvrir la fenêtre. Vider la chambre. Elle est traversée par le vent. On ne voit que le vide, on cherche dans tous les coins et l’on ne se trouve pas. Journal – Kafka
DIVERGENT FIDELITY: Badiou’s non-relation with Deleuze | AGENT SWARM
DIVERGENT FIDELITY: Badiou’s non-relation with Deleuze | AGENT SWARM