Universal Basic Income A very good article about basic income (by the way: already SIGNED the ECI for a basic income: www.sign.basicincome2013.eu?). »> “I’ve outlined some of the arguments for and against Universal Basic Income. The problem is that most of the arguments in favour are backed by empirical evidence and sound economic reasoning, but most of the commonly raised arguments against don’t make any sense at all from an economic perspective, are contradicted by the evidence, and amount to little more than opinion. (…) Many of the critics rely on economically illiterate objections such as the “something for nothing” complaint or faux concerns about “idleness”. By raising such ludicrous concerns that the poor and ordinary would cease work at the very instant their basic human needs are met (whilst ignoring the fact that the rich continue to work despite their basic human needs being met many times over), the opponent is essentially admitting that their view of capitalism relies upon exploitation of the fear of destitution, rather than the willing participation of the workers.” (via Initiative for a Basic Income in Europe) http://anotherangryvoice.blogspot.it/2013/10/universal-basic-income.htmlwww.sign.basicincome2013.eu?). »> “I’ve outlined some of the arguments for and against Universal Basic Income. The problem is that most of the arguments in favour are backed by empirical evidence and sound economic reasoning, but most of the commonly raised arguments against don’t make any sense at all from an economic perspective, are contradicted by the evidence, and amount to little more than opinion. (…) Many of the critics rely on economically illiterate objections such as the “something for nothing” complaint or faux concerns about “idleness”. By raising such ludicrous concerns that the poor and ordinary would cease work at the very instant their basic human needs are met (whilst ignoring the fact that the rich continue to work despite their basic human needs being met many times over), the opponent is essentially admitting that their view of capitalism relies upon exploitation of the fear of destitution, rather than the willing participation of the workers.” (via Initiative for a Basic Income in Europe) http://anotherangryvoice.blogspot.it/2013/10/universal-basic-income.html

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